
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Reflections

<Cue appropriate year-end songs>

It's closing time. Open all the doors and let you out in to the world... [Performed by Semisonic]

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go... [Performed by GreenDay]

Of course, we could move on to the New Year's Day songs. 

All is quiet on New Year's Day, a world in white get's underway... [Performed by U2].

So this is the new year, and I don't feel any different... [Performed by Death Cab for Cutie]

Alright, alright.  Let's not be hasty. (Did I just say that? Weird.) 
Today is a day of reflection. We are sticking with year-end songs here.

And, my personal favorite: 
You must sing along or this post will self-destruct.

If I could turn back time, if I could find a way, I'd take back those words that hurt you. And, you'd stay... 

I do not need to tell you that that piece of lyrical ingenuity was performed by none other than the ever-ostentatious walking legend, Cher. 

It's absurd, truly, to think about what we've learned and experienced this year. I don't have a clue what's coming, but I know anything is possible. [Proof: I am typing this from my home in Texas.]

2012 taught us a few million things. It's been a ride on the roller coaster of "Follow Jesus". The experiences, awesomeness, and fun we've had are too numerous to count. Anyway, I've been reading all these posts & tweets about reflecting on 2012 and evaluating your life and habits, setting goals for 2013 and whatnot. 

OK. I'm in. I'll attempt to list 10 lessons, experiences, reflections, awesomeness, highs & lows--general stuff from 2012, in no particular order. (A 2013 Goals post will be later tonight.) 

Lesson: Following Jesus rarely looks like what you think it will look like. Dude. Sometimes what it looks like is that you are an indecisive spaztastic. North Carolina? Manila? ...Texas. Huh? You just gotta go with what only you and Jesus know. Fine, Jesus. I'm a spaz anyway. May as well be a spaz for you.

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.”  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”  James 4:13-15


Awesomeness: Blogging.  I'm writing. Writing to bless Jesus and somebody, even when I'm writing shenanigans. Writing stuff that will likely never make it the published list. Just writing. I encourage you to write, even if nobody reads  it.

Reflection: Criticism is not a fruit of the Spirit. I say this often, with reason. No body is more critical of me than me. 

Experience: The Suite Life of Meghan and Maddy. I think we will all look back on that time as just plain fun. In a quick calculation, I figured we've been in a hotel room or temporary housing 160+ days this year. 

Tough stuff: Losing friends. 

Awesomeness: My girls are best friends. This year has bonded them on new levels. How do we know? They gang up on us like never before. We could all learn from their strategizing.

Lesson: Being the new girl is hard. Even for super-sanguines. That's part of what's hard. Super-sanguines want to know everyone in the room already. I can find myself disappointed if I'm in a room with 200 people and I only got the names and life stories of 2 people. Silly. Learning this lesson has given us all a new sensitivity to what it's like to be the new person. Visiting all these churches and whatnot, I've learned to never assume the person is feeling at "home" there. Now I ask, "Is this your home church?" Boom. Door opened.

Not new realization: The Body of Christ is nothing less than supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. From Florida to Wake Forest to Irving and Arlington to Manila to Houston, we've been loved, prayed over, served, missed, welcomed, encouraged, taught, and fed. All in Jesus' name.

Awesomeness: Fajitas. Son.

Less than awesomeness: Fajitas.  Must. Stop. Eating.

It's definitely been a year of "new" around here. We've learned so very much about ourselves and how God works in us. 

What about you? What was your awesomeness of 2012? 


  1. What is so fun about this is because you are blogging, we all feel like we have been on this adventure with you. I would be a spaztastic basket case by now. LOL.

    Awesomeness this year - looking back at all the answered prayer in my journal just last night. I can't remember the last time I had such a list!

    Keep writing! You are a blessing! Can't wait to see where 2013 takes you...literally. Judie

  2. Thanks, Judie! Truth is, I was a spaz before this year!
