Another birthday in the house. Big Sister is 14.
I'm so excited for her future. This kid is the real deal.
I'm not the mom that cried at kindergarten or cries as my girls get older,
although all these baby teeth pics are killing me.
I am keenly aware that, while I hope to always be a sounding board, my in-house influential days are numbered. I'll never not be their momma, but ya know. There are so many things I want my girls to leave the nest with: good flossing habits, a healthy body image, a solid foundation of the Word, and knowing that their parents are flawed people in pursuit of Jesus. I want them to know how to cook some basic meals and keep a house and make it a home. I want them to know how to speak up for themselves, to call "Bull" when necessary, to know their worth, and to write notes. I want them to live well and love well, to value people over things.
So many things. So little time.
I have a general rule about making promises to my kids (I don't love it); I like to keep us all flexible, but for such an occasion, I thought I'd list {updated} fourteen promises she can be sure of today, tomorrow, and most days...
1. The more you know the Truth, the more you'll recognize a lie.
Plaster your memory with the Word.
How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your Word.
I will seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:9-11
2. The issue that you have the hardest time with today will be the very thing that will bring forth your victory in Jesus.
Your weakness is His strength. It's His specialty. Ask me how I know.
"My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness."- Jesus
2 Corinthians 12:9
3. You will never regret being classy.
4. You will not immediately understand every decision I make over these next few years.
5. Most of your regrets will be the things you didn't do, rather than the things you did.
Be brave. Cheer for the underdog. Dance. Go for broke. Big risks yield big rewards.
6. Jesus in you will always shine brighter than the lipstick on you.
But, I'm not opposed to lipstick. :)
7. It is possible to love your body and want to improve it.
Be strong, be healthy, and be ready to GO when the Lord calls you!
8. Encouraging others (especially girls) doesn't mean that you are less than,
it means you are strong enough to lift them up.
Be a cheerleader for your people.
9. The second mile is the best mile.
Go the distance. Even when you don't have to.
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Member that time you ran a triathlon!? |
Your gut is usually right. The Word is always right.
11. Confidence is not the same as arrogance.
Confidence is an attractive quality, wear it well.
12. When in doubt, overdress.
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Cause, ya know, mud. |
This is not a challenge. Please don't try.
14. Your best days are coming.
Keep a good pair of shoes handy cause you are going places.
Happy birthday, Sister. I love you more than strawberries.
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