This back to school season has been especially big around here.
Our little homeschool is in a MAJOR transition.
In fact, we are planning to have our official homeschool door open only two days a week this year. The Little Sister is going to a homeschool/hybrid school three days a week and The Big Sister at high school. If someone would have told me last year that I would barely be considered a homeschooler this year, I would've spit Diet Coke.
Still, it happened. The Big Sister started her first day of high school today! I am so excited for her! Just like kindergarten, she walked right on in with confidence, even though I know she was a little nervous. Who wouldn't be!?
Different than kindergarten, though, she didn't tell me, "Mom, you're talking too long." Ha! True dadgum story. I only had a quick second in the drop off line today, though.
Anyway, like I said in my last post- SUNDAY, cause I'm all feast or famine on this blog-
this is our first First Day in seven years.
This means it's a Big Dog Deal!
Traditionally, we don't do traditions well in this house. We aren't big on doing much on a repeat. Not for any reason other than spazzy parenting. I'm not a Pinterest Mom or the mom who makes a celebration of things. I mean, we are good for an ice cream to celebrate or "Hey! Let's make cookies!"
But, this is a really big deal, and I wanted to commemorate it for her.
So I got this idea for a "9 Days Before 9th Grade Countdown".
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First Day of High School. I made her take her pic at the boat dock. |
Here's what you have to know about me: I'm pretty ENFJ/ENFP. Translation: I love my people. I love the idea of doing super cool things for them. I have the troubles when it comes to the execution. I mean, really. I'm an idea person. Big picture. Not so much on the details.
So, I lowered the bar.
Melissa go unda the limbo stick.
For real. Like crawled.
There's this other thing: I like to make gifts out of things we would normally buy. Parents miss out opportunities to cultivate gratitude by not getting "credit" for certain purchases. It also makes the purchase of school supplies a little more pleasant and it becomes a gift!
Anyway, I did this Countdown and I'm posting it here for you, Reader With Bad Handwriting; for you, Mom Who Doesn't Know What Mod Podge Is; and for you, The Budget-Conscious-Gift-Giver.
This is for the "blogger" (I use this term loosely when talking about myself) who doesn't know how to set up dramatic, pinnable photos.
The Pinterest-Challenged Mom who loves her kid. That's who this is for.
I'm here to show you how it doesn't have to be perfect to be meaningful and appreciated! It really doesn't!
Here's the Countdown.
Nine Days Before Ninth Grade:
9. Warrior Princess embroidered pocket-tee.
"Daughter of the King= Princess
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1"
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This is a pinnable photo if I ever saw one! |
The blurred out part is the name of the school. My friend over at Sew Dazzlin' Designs made this custom tee. I just love it and so does the Big Sister. I have to confess to you: I got a little prideful about this purchase. I ordered it like three weeks ahead of time like a responsible grown up. Shut up, YES, I DID! It was sitting in the packaging box for about two weeks before this little fun thing started! Unprecedented!
I can be a PREcrastinator! Obviously.
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This is the picture of my whole table with spilled salt on it. Slightly less pinnable than the photo above. |
8. School supplies.
"Best School Supply Wisdom:
'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.' Proverbs 3:5-6
You may forget what goes on these pages, but never forget these words: Trust the Lord!"
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You'll notice that I used the same gift bag for 9 straight days.![]() |
7. Tide Pen.
"Sister, You will make mistakes. But your mistakes won't break you.
Here's a Tide Pen for some of them...for all others, there's Jesus...and your mom."
Tide Pens are all the rage for high school. You can Google it.
This is not even a sponsored post. Ha.
Also, this is probably the truest of all the notes.
Mistakes are inevitable. Amen?!
6. Warrior Shirts (Uniform requirement.)
"'The Lord is with you, Mighty Warrior.' Judges 6:12
An angel delivered these words to Gideon
and I am delivering these words to you.
You ARE a Warrior Princess! And the Lord is definitely with you!"
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I'm a photographer, but you probably can't afford me. |
5. #DoWork: A few more supplies
"You are such a diligent student! I am so proud of the hard worker you are!
'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.' Colossians 3:23-24
Also, some sweet friends got in on some of the note-writing.
Also, some sweet friends got in on some of the note-writing.
4. Taste.
The one when I'm obviously not a Bible Scholar.
"'Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.' Psalm 34:8
This is totally out of context & has nothing to do with lunch! But enjoy it! Ha!"
I'm not even sure if this is funny or pathetical. (I made that up.)
But, I got her this lunch box with a bird on it.
So I still consider that a major win. (I don't love the birds.)
3. Beauty Supplies
"'Let the King be enthralled by your beauty honor him,
for he is your Lord.' Psalm 45:10
You are beautiful and He is your Lord."
This is not up for discussion.
Listen, I'm not pushing these extraordinary standards on my girls,
but we like our special hair products and mascara.
2. A Little Chocolate Goodness to Think About...
Yah. I had a moment. Sorry to the coaches.
"'Whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable-
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-
think about such things.' Philippians 4:8"
I think chocolate is all those things, yes?
Hashtag theology. Hashtag hermeneutics.
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Protein bars & Butterfingers. We diversify. |
1. The Last Day Before 9th Grade.
"I pray you love Jesus and His Word.
'In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.' John 1:1"
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Do you know how hard it is to get a Bible to stand up vertically? Just curious. |
This was really so easy and doable.
It's true because I did it.
Bottom line is I wanted to do two things:
Get "credit" for buying school supplies -I'm not really sure what this says about me-
and make a fuss over her first First Day in a long time.
We won't be doing this each year, I can assure you!
Her first day was just grand and she said, "I felt like I had always been there."
It felt familiar to her. Love that.
That's the Body of Christ becoming more evident to her.
The 7th Grader will get one, too, but she doesn't start school for a couple of weeks.
Do you do anything special for "Back to School"?
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